Hamblen County, Tennessee. 423-323-1606
Speak with a licensed bail bondsman who can help you obtain the release of your loved one.
When you call us, we will call the jail for you and get the most up-to-date information for you. There are different types of bail bonds and sometimes the jail may not have given you the detailed information needed to help you. We will also find out if there are any “holds” or additional warrants for the person in jail. It is important to verify what type of bond is set, so you don’t pay too much.
We take the time to do this so you know exactly what the person is charged with, and we verify so there will be no surprises when we meet with you to post the bond. Most bail bond agencies will not take the time to verify the information for you. We do.
We won’t simply quote you a price and hang up leaving you more confused! The vast majority of our bonds are approved with no collateral. We don’t require perfect credit either. Co-signers with decent jobs and family members who feel confident that the person in jail will make all of their court dates are more important to us.
Hamblen County Bail Bonds have always been providing help and assistance with bail bonds at the highest quality standards. With plenty of experience under our belts, our potential clients tend to reach us by recommendations and referrals. Therefore, they know exactly what kind of collaboration they will have to face, not to mention about a top service level and professionalism.
Our customer service represents our main and official introduction to you. We know that people are afraid of what they do not know, such as this industry. However, our customer service can turn any negative story into an encouraging one. You will no longer be hit with jargon and technical terms. Instead, you will understand exactly what is going on, while our agents focus on a timely and quick jail release. Our service can be reached by multiple means, only for your convenience.
As if all these were not enough, our offices are located relatively close to the most important local jails. In other words, we have the possibility to start moving and proceeding with the paperwork as long as we have all the required information.
☑ 24/7 Bail Bond Service
☑ 1-5% Down Payment
☑ Phone approvals
☑ 0% Interest Payment Plans
☑ No Hidden Fees – Unlike other bail agencies
☑ No Collateral with Working Signer
☑ Se Habla Español
As a family-owned company, we have a greater understanding of how important bailing your loved one out of jail is to you. We know you want to help your loved one, and so we do everything that we can to assist you. We start working for you the moment you talk to us, and we do not stop until your family member is back home, safe and sound. Unlike our competitors, we do not abandon our clients.